Non-Drug Treatments for Depression in Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women


Sarah has had depression on and off throughout most of her adult life. She finally found an antidepressant that worked for her. But now she’s pregnant and she’s been hearing all the awful things about antidepressants during pregnancy. She’s talked with her doctor about it, and he has assured her that the risk of problems is very small. But he is willing to consider other approaches. He is simply worried that she will get depressed again if she stops taking her medications, and her depression would also be bad for the baby. Michelle has never had a problem with depression. But she is 4 months postpartum and her mother died unexpectedly. Her mother’s death has had a devastating effect and she is finding herself having problems completing even the simplest of tasks. She is overwhelmed with sorrow and grief, and her midwife is recommending an antidepressant to help her through this time. She too is worried about how antidepressants will affect her baby….read more

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