Heal Your Child’s Cavities Naturally



Are dental treatments and fluoride the only ways to heal your children’s teeth from cavities? No! Is it necessary for the dentist to be the “middle man” between you and healthy teeth? Absolutely not!

Using nutrition, Dr. Weston A. Price reduced the rate of tooth decay 250 times in seventeen individuals who had severe tooth decay. In this group, approximately half of all teeth had been affected by decay prior to Price’s nutritional program. After the program, only two new cavities formed within a three year time period putting the rate of reoccurrence at 0.4%. 1 Weston Price was widely respected in his time as a leading dental authority. He frequently published articles in many dental journals, including several articles in the Journal of the American Dental Association. Why has his ground-breaking research and wise words been forgotten and what does his work teach us?

No longer should we accept dental surgery or the dangerous chemical, fluoride, as our only hope and solution for curing our children’s tooth decay. My book, Cure Tooth Decay: Heal And Prevent Cavities With Nutrition, describes another way to heal teeth that flies in the face of conventional medical dogma.

How I Learned About Tooth Decay

I began investigating tooth decay, and health in general, when my own daughter was afflicted with tooth decay at the age of one. Children’s tooth decay is commonly referred to as “Baby Bottle Mouth” because conventional medicine attributes this condition to children drinking fruit juices from bottles. However, my daughter did not eat sweets frequently, never drank fruit juice from a bottle and was breastfed regularly. Thus began my earnest research into this topic, the findings of which I summarize in this article.

Three Important Food Factors

Dr. Price documented the fact that both water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins are missing from modern diets. In particular he noted the near complete absence of fat-soluble vitamins. Without eating foods that contain these vitamins on a frequent basis we are susceptible to tooth decay, gum disease, and other diseases.

Although eating foods that contain fat-soluble vitamins will not cure tooth decay alone, these foods are an integral component of the cure. These special foods are:

  1. Raw, grass-fed dairy including, milk, cheese, cream and butter
  2. Organs of sea animals including fish organs, fish heads, fish eggs, oysters, clams, mussels, and crab and lobster with the innards
  3. Organs of land animals including liver, bone marrow, tongue, heart, kidneys, pancreas, adrenal glands, gonads and for the more adventurous, brain, eyes and stomach lining

Weston Price spent many years studying the traditional diets of indigenous groups who had no or very low incidences of tooth decay. He found that a common characteristic of these groups is that they ate regularly from two of these three food categories. Our modern diets are noticeably lacking in sea and land animal organs and t most households do not consume raw diary. It takes a real commitment to finding creative ways to incorporate these foods into our diets. However, it is possible to make these changes and the nutritional value of these foods is truly phenomenal in their ability to strengthen your children’s teeth and overall health. It is important to keep in mind that it is not necessary to consume large quantities of these foods. What is important is that we eat them frequently and eat enough of them to meet our nutritional needs.

Our modern diet is essentially devoid of these nutritionally dense foods. Since they are not consumed on a regular basis in the modern world, it is no wonder our children’s bodies and teeth are characterized by disease.

Why Is Tooth Decay Worsening?

In an extensive study of over 15,000 people, the Centers for Disease Control published the following statistics:

  • On average, people in the 16-19 age group have 11.6% of all teeth affected by decay at one time
  • By the time adults are over 60, more than half of their teeth (62.36%) have been affected by decay
  • A total of 93.1% of all people over the age of 60 have had teeth affected by tooth decay

If brushing, flossing, massive fluoridation campaigns, and dental surgery were effective in preventing tooth decay, it would not get worse over time. It would stay the same, or get better. This is what I refer to as unscientifically sound practices. If we are to examine the effects of our dental care as a society, the statistics clearly show it is a failure, as tooth decay becomes worse and worse over time.

The work of Weston Price demonstrated that Nature is not fundamentally flawed and has not doomed us to a life of tooth decay. However, we must change the way we live, and help our families eat more natural and life-building foods. Thanks to Weston Price, my work and the testimonials of many of my clients, we are beginning to see the power of nutrition and diet in preventing and curing tooth decay.

What Really Causes Tooth Decay

After reading and studying the work of Weston Price, the late Harvard Professor Earnest Hooten said we need to consider the habits and ways of indigenous people because “it is store-food that has given us store-teeth.”

Time and time again, Dr. Price documented the tragic plight of indigenous people coming into contact with modern industrialization. Many of these groups enjoyed generation after generation without significant tooth decay and disease. However, after the arrival of industry, commerce and processed, modern foods, their teeth began to degenerate very rapidly.

Living Without Tooth Decay

I was diagnosed with three cavities two and a half years ago. By making important changes in my diet and incorporating nutritionally-dense foods into my life on a regular basis, I have been able to strengthen my teeth and health these cavities. We have been able to avoid the trauma of dental surgery for our daughter for close to three years now. With enhanced nutrition her mood has improved, and her teeth have been able to protect themselves internally from infection – this is called arrested decay.

The cause of tooth decay is known and knowable. From this knowledge, you can become empowered to take more responsibility for your children’s dental and overall health. If you make good choices for yourself and your family based on the knowledge of decay-free indigenous people, you can minimize tooth decay, indeed prevent it entirely and even heal it once a cavity has formed. You can question systems such as dental surgery and water fluoridation given the light of knowledge showing us that our teeth are not designed to decay.

I cannot give you all the answers in one article but I can let you know that there is a way to having healthy teeth. I have written an entire book on how to live without tooth decay and how to heal your teeth with good nutrition. You can learn how to live without tooth decay. You can heal and prevent cavities. To purchase a digital or print copy of Cure Tooth Decay, visit curetoothdecay.com

Learn more nutritional tips for avoiding and treating tooth decay at http://curetoothdecay.com/blog/


1 Price, Weston A, DDS, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration , Keats Publishing, Inc., New Canaan, CT, 1939

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